Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Issue 72 is Out!

The Winter Issue of Ruminations is now in the mail, and along with it, a new version of the website. We're trying to keep the site more up to date, and have included a new PDF outtake from the present issue, so non-subscribers can see what we're talking about.

The Spring Issue is a great opportunity to advertise your farm with a special advertising package. Present subscribers get a free business card ad, or the cost of that ad off a larger advertisement. New subscribers get that same deal, plus 4 issues of the magazine and a classified ad in a future issue, all for $20/ for the first year.

Why are we doing this? Because we know that it can be hard to get noticed on the web, and for those not on the 'net have an even more difficult time. Also, Ruminations is a subscriber based publication, and we need advertisers to keep the magazine going. We try to make every issue helpful to you, and honor the precedents that were set before we bought the magazine. But we need you to send in your photos, articles and advertisements to keep us viable. We hope you'll help us keep Ruminations growing strong! Thanks,

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