Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ethics Question

I am hoping we'll get some feedback on the "Right or Wrong" section of the magazine.
Someone did ask me what I meant by "Production vs. Show," as they understood that there was no conflict in these two goals. My belief is that there shouldn't be, but there sometimes is. There are people who show off beautiful mammary systems on their goats, but in reality those goats don't milk very well. Also, there are animals that milk terrifically well, but are either over standard, or are not show material. There is some concern that there is a trend toward "putting it in the bucket," at the expense of proper standards.
Personally I have overheight animals, but they are clearly stated as overheight in the DHI papers and on my publicity. They may be oversized, but by a shade of inch, up to an inch, and not higher. In one case, I clearly overfed the doe during her growth period, and she grew too fast and suffers from joint issues and other problems. In the other case, my doe was the daughter of a foundation animal in the early stages of the breed's development, so predictability was not reliable in many herds.
So what do you all think? That's what this blog is about - conversation. Please chime with your views and let's get the conversation rolling. Thanks, Pat

Events Updated

The website now has an updated Events listing. If you have a workshop, seminar, course or show you'd like to announce, please let us know. There is no cost to use this service, we just want people to know where they can learn more about goats.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Haiti Relief

Ruminations is coordinating an effort to provide goats to the people of Haiti following this terrible earthquake. Specifics are still in the works, but I have been working with Heifer International for years, and they are working with us as to how to proceed. It may be just a collection of donations, which we use to purchase goats from their "catalog." Or we might be asking people to donate or sell their animals to Heifer so that the people of Haiti can have fresh milk now, or in the future.

Amid this terrible devastation is an opportunity for the nation to rebuild itself into a stronger country. Goats have always been "Easy keepers," and wonderful companions, as we all know. Goats are a mainstay in the Haitian diet. Our little goats offer possibilities that bigger goats can't. There may not be a place for them, but there may be. I'll let you know when I hear more from Heifer.

Until then, if you are of a mind to, say a prayer for all those affected, and those who are trying to help.

Right or Wrong?

We started a new program this issue (#67) in Ruminations. It's a conversation about ethics called "Right or Wrong?" It's our goal here to enlighten people about some of the issues we face as goat breeders and owners. It is not our plan, goal or otherwise, intent to defame or denounce anyone. No proper names, herd or farm names are to be used. Conversations should be general and not too specific about incidents. If we can't all abide by this rule, we will stop the program.

Our first topic is "Is breeding for dairy a benefit in the ring? Is breeding for the ring and advantage in the milking parlor?" The exact phrasing is in the magazine, but there is more room to discuss it, so I have enhanced the description of the question.

You do not have to be a subscriber of Ruminations to participate here, though we hope you will be soon, if you're not. You do have to register with the blog to participate. Select, representative replies will be placed in the next issue of the magazine, and a new question will be posed at that time.

Do you have a question you'd like to discuss? Let me know at and we'll look at how best to phrase it. We realize this can be a touchy subject, but we feel that it's important to do. I hope you'll agree and participate. Thank you,

Pat Stewart